Cosmetic Dentistry Services
We offer the highest quality cosmetic dentistry services Scottsdale has to offer. See what our clients are saying.
Porcelain Veneers
Cosmetic dentistry veneers cover teeth which are discolored, worn, chipped, and misaligned. While porcelain veneers are wafer-thin shells of porcelain which bond onto the front side of teeth in order to cosmetically improve their appearance. Typically cosmetic dentistry veneers are difficult to stain, therefore making veneers a very popular solution for many people seeking that perfect smile. Strong and very durable, veneers last from ten to fifteen years, and come in colors that will brighten dark teeth without the worry of them changing color.
Composite Bonding
Composite bonding is excellent for small defects in the teeth including spots, chips, and gaps between teeth. Using materials that match the shade, translucency and the texture of your teeth. This also includes gaps between teeth that need closing, spots and discolorations that need eliminating. For smile alterations involving an entire tooth or multiple teeth, porcelain is the material of choice. Bonding for teeth involves the use of composite resin tooth color filling material. Hence many refer this procedure to bonding because an adhesive agent actually bonds the resin to the tooth structure.
Tooth-Colored Fillings and Inlays
Tooth-colored fillings and inlays replace the gold and silver of the past with natural looking materials. The composites of today are strong, durable, and attractive. In 1999, the American Dental Association gave white fillings its seal of approval and now many insurance plans cover their use.
Ceramic Crowns
All-ceramic crowns and caps have been around for most of the past century. These restorations have no metal and are totally made of ceramic glass. We can strengthen the restorations with a translucent material such as zirconium. Therefore they are a highly desirable cosmetic dentistry solution for front teeth even without the availability of modern bonding.
Porcelain Crowns
Porcelain crowns are extremely durable and highly resistant to stain and color change. Therefore they make an excellent choice for restoring teeth with severe fractures, heavily worn teeth and for replacing old crowns.